Hola vecinos // Hey neighbors,
Muchas gracias a todos los vecinos y colaboradores de la comunidad quienes vienieron a la reunión el 14 de octubre. // Big thanks to all of the neighbors and collaborators from the community who came to the Community Meeting on October 14.
Representantes de organizaciones various nos presentó sobre los servicos que ofrecen a la comunidad. La lista de contactos está disponible (más abajo). // Representatives from myriad organizations introduced us to the types of services they offer. The list of contacts is provided below.
Anuncios // Announcements
Time to renew your membership! Contact Daniel at treasurer@pattersonparkneighbors.org to check your status. Click here to select your membership, and renew.
Congratulations to the PPNA Home and Garden Tour on such a successful fundraiser! 10 neighbors in the West Sector opened their homes and displayed their gardens for 109 guests. We raised over $1500 for PPNA!
PPNA is collecting donations for neighbors who were affected by the N Rose Street Fire, which consumed four homes in September. The most immediate needs for the affected neighbors are checks (checks are preferable to cash donations; checks can be made out to "Patterson Park Neighborhood Association" with "N Rose Street Fire" in the subject line) or gift cards. Contact Dave for more information at president@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
Creative Alliance is looking for volunteers to carry floats at the Great Halloween Lantern Parade, upcoming on October 26! Contact Ari Pluznik to get involved, ari@creativealliance.org.
BIG THANKS to our Food Sponsor, Tijuana Tacos! Check them out at the corner of E Baltimore and S Potomac.
Community All Star
PPNA wishes to recognize and thank Danielle Roberts for her selfless support and organizing efforts on behalf of the N Rose Street neighbors. Danielle opened her home to a family that was displace by the fire, and has been instrumental in coordinating response efforts.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Pierre Gibbons, who risked his life to save his neighbor, Sandy, during the N Rose Street Fire, as well as all of the neighbors and family members who were affected by this tragedy. Pierre and Sandy are being treated for their life-threatening injuries.
Lucia Islas and Adriana Rojas, Comité Latino de Baltimore
Comité started in 2016 as a group of five women who wanted to educate themselves about community resources and change the perception about what it means to be Hispanic/Latinx in Baltimore.
Now Comité is a thriving non-profit. Comité meets regularly on the second Thursday of every month (mornings) to bring resources and services together for the betterment of la comunidad Latina.
Current needs for the community are support from legal services, education services, and language services (English-Spanish and Spanish-English).
Contact Comité on the FB page, @Comité Latino de Baltimore, for more information.
Katie Miller, Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MIMA)
Census 2020: Everyone counts! Community members who are linked to hard-to-count populations are the best way to make sure that everyone will count. You can apply for funds to host a Census Party, run a Census Campaign, or invest in Census technology to support census-counting in your networks. Apply here.
New American Leadership Institute: This six-week training program, designed for existing and emerging immigrant and refugee leaders in the City of Baltimore, will provide New Americans with the tools and information on how to navigate government and civic organizations, while effectively utilizing leadership skills to become active participants on behalf of their communities. Apply here.
Safe City Baltimore: In partnership with the Open Society Institute Baltimore (OSI), Safe City Baltimore expands services and resources in order to educate immigrant communities in Baltimore about their rights, provide access to lawyers for individuals with viable claims to remain in the United States, and connect individuals facing deportation with defense attorneys. More information available here.
Contact Katie: katie.miller@baltimorecity.gov or 443-984-3377
Tiffany Nelms, Asylee Women Enterprise
Peer-to-peer support for women seeking asylum
Long-term housing and support with work visas
Mental health services for immigrant families
Family and infant care resources for pregnant and parenting mothers
Contact Tiffany: tnelms@asyleewomen.org or 443-850-0627
Various organizaciones vinieron para compartir recursos, programas, y servicios que ofrecen para apoyar a la comunidad latina en Baltimore. Aquà es su información de contacto. // Many organizations came together to share about their resources, and the programs/services they offer to support the Latinx community in East Baltimore. Contact information is listed below.
PolÃtica // Policy
Baltimore Police Consent Decree Monitoring Team: Contact Magdalena Tsiongas at magztsiong@gmail.com or info@bpdmonitor.com.
District 1 City Councilman Zeke Cohen: zeke.cohen@baltimorecity.gov
State Delegate for Team 46 Robbyn Lewis: info@robbynlewis.com
Educación // Education
Commodore John Rodgers School: Contact Hannah Wallace, Community School Coordinator, at wallace@thecjrschool.org.
Highlandtown Preschool: Contact Mark Parker or Alyssa Kaplan at lsmparker@gmail.com or apaigekaplan@gmail.com.
Latino Education Advancement Fund (LEAF): Contact Dinorah Olmos at Dinorah_olmos@hotmail.com.
William Paca Elementary School: Contact Janet Nunnally or Monica Camacho Perez at jenunnally@bcps.k12.md.us or mcperez@bcps.k12.md.us.
Salud // Health
Baltimore Medical System (Breastfeeding support and exercise/nutrition resources): Contact Guadalupe Franco at Guadalupe.FrancoSanabria@bmsi.org.
Centro Sol: Contact Maria Ortiz Gonzalez at mortizg1@jhmi.edu.
WIC: Contact Ernest Le at ernest.le@maryland.gov.
Comunidad // Community
CASA de Maryland: Contact Abdel Piedramartel at Apiedramartel@wearecasa.org.
D1 CAN (District 1 Community Action Network, with a focus on Health and Housing): Contact Daniel Ehrenpreis at dehrenp1@jhu.edu.
Esperanza Center: Contact Eric Seymour at eseymour@cc-md.org.