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January 2022: PPNA Board Elections

Writer's picture: PPNAPPNA

Thanks to all who participated in the PPNA Board Elections on Monday January 10, 2022.

We are thrilled to announce the PPNA Board for 2022:

  • President: Ernest Le (

  • Secretary: Madeline Rae (

  • Treasurer: Kelli Poole (

  • VP West Sector: Danielle Roberts (

  • VP Patterson Place Sector: Lindsey Johnson-Graham (

  • VP East Sector: Stephen Craig (

  • VP South Sector: Katie Miller (

  • VP North Sector: Vacant

Read on for a brief recap of the Candidate Speeches and community announcements. The full video recording is available below.

Candidate for President: Ernest Le

  • Ernest has been on the PPNA Board as VP of Patterson Place sector since 2017, and a PPNA resident since 2015.

  • The organization is well-positioned for growth, based on the infrastructure that we have put into place since 2019.

Candidate for Secretary: Madeline Rae

  • Madeline is a new neighbor in PPNA. Madeline moved in during August 2021 to attend graduate school in Baltimore.

  • Madeline brings creativity, clear expectations, and an eye for detail. Madeline is eager to learn more about our community and our city.

Candidate for Secretary: JC Maurer

  • JC brings administrative and management experience.

  • JC is eager to give back and be more involved in PPNA, building on the block organizing and volunteering that he does throughout PPNA.

Candidate for Treasurer: Kelli Poole

  • Kelli has been a Baltimore resident since 2008, and a PPNA homeowner since 2021.

  • Kelli brings data-tracking and record-keeping to the role, as well as her experience as the incumbent to this role.

Candidate for VP West Sector: Danielle Roberts

  • Danielle has been a Baltimore resident since 2014, and a PPNA homeowner since 2017. Danielle is the incumbent VP for the West Sector.

  • Danielle has been instrumental in launching the PPNA composting initiative, alongside committee chair, Allison Blood.

  • Danielle would like to help with organizing a more regular schedule of block clean-ups, and finding more ways for neighbors to come out and work together.

Candidate for VP East Sector: Steve Craig

  • Steve organized string lights on his block for the 100 block of N Curley.

  • Steve looks forward to helping other blocks organize string lights, block parties, and neighborhood clean-ups.

Candidate for VP South Sector: Katie Miller

  • Katie has lived in Baltimore since 2014, and she is eager to share knowledge and resources with neighbors.

  • Katie values community connectedness. Katie brings her work experience in city government, desire for connectedness, and organizing experience to the role.

Candidate for VP Patterson Place Sector: Lindsey Johnson-Graham

  • Lindsey has been a PPNA neighbor since 2016, and a PPNA homeowner since 2016. Lindsey loves the PPNA neighborhood because of how neighbors really look out for each other.

  • Lindsey works in the travel and tourism industry. Lindsey has worked on past PPNA initiatives including block organizing, housing and code enforcement, and the security camera network.

Candidate for VP North Sector: This position is currently vacant.

Community announcements:

  • Shaakira Gill is the Community Liaison for City Council President Nick Mosby. Contact Shaakira:, 410-925-0484.

  • Larry Nunley is the Community Liaison for the Department of Public Works (DPW). Contact Larry:, 443-615-2626

  • Tyler McCurdy is the point of contact for the Office of Senator Bill Ferguson. Contact Tyler:

  • Breath of God Lutheran Church: Breath of God has been providing meals to families affected by the pandemic. This initiative started at beginning of the pandemic, and has taken different forms since then. At present, are lots of ways to get involved with the feeding efforts, such as cooking at the church on Fridays, or driving meal delivery services on Saturdays. Contact Mark to volunteer:


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