6:30PM Welcome
6:39PM Andrew Crummey - https://www.charmedcityliving.com/about-us
Butcher's Hill resident, owner and renovator of Charmed Kitchen
Bought double wide property at 101-103 N. Patterson Park Avenue (the former Grace's Acre)
Intent of project
First floor cafe similar to Charmed Kitchen
Added basement bar
About a year and a half ago there was ambiguity of how many units were zoned for the project and asked the zoning board permission for five units
Context: any time you want to add business to residential property, you have to ask the permission of the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals (BMZA).
Applied for a state loan to develop commercial properties in a residential area but financial situation is such that the project is a little more tenuous, which brings him to the PPNA meeting in asking to add density (extra units) to the project.
Current project: cafe, bar, 6 apartments
Ask: cafe, bar, 9 apartments (an additional three units although no extra bedrooms because some of the 6 units are 2-bedrooms being converted into two 1-bedroom units).
Will any be affordable housing? - No
Is the concern for parking and that there will be less space on the streets? - Yes, there is only one parking area and that should be reserved for the restaurant space
Will there be external lighting/seating? - Yes
How many bedrooms? - No excess mass is being requested, it's just that a two bedroom unit would become two one bedroom units
How long will that bar be open for? - We don't have an MOU yet. The cafe will likely close at 9, the bar will probably close later but we're not sure what time yet; definitely earlier than 2am
What would you expect the difference in the timeframe would be if you do add to the density? - My intent was to ask the community their thoughts on excess units while waiting for the loan in August
6:58: Micaela Perez Ferrero
Love Your Block Grant proposal requires a 501c3 sponsor and she has asked for $1,500 to replace string lights bulbs; can PPNA do this?
PPNA Board unanimously votes yes.
If other blocks would like to apply for this item there's no limit
7:04PM Jamie DeMarco - Chesapeake Climate Action Network
We are currently under a heatdome and this is expected to continue. Schools have days that they are unable to operate and need to be updated - currently, we taxpayers are the ones to bear the price of these updates
RENEW ACT: https://ccanactionfund.org/renewact/
This legislation proposes that the international corporations including but not limited to fossil fuels pay a one time fee to update said schools, cooling centers, and other extreme climate events
Q: How are these companies not based in Maryland but still subject to Maryland laws? A: These corporations sell their products in Maryland and this legislation would use a similar mechanism as tobacco/opiate settlements
Similar legislation recently passed in Vermont and is in the New York senate
Attendees took a vote on whether to support the RENEW Act.
All in Favor of PPNA Endorsing the RENEW Act: 31
All in opposition: 0
7:13 Haydee Bautista from Department of Public Works (DPW)
311 for any issues with trash/recycling
7:25 Regarding safety issues at Fairmount and Clinton vacant properties
Former president of PPNA spoke about the issues that he sees.
Fairmount and Clinton currently have vacant properties owned by Highlandtown 2 LP that are occupied by squatters. Yesterday (7/7/24) there was a shooting in the area related to said property. He would like to rally the community around making that area safer and involving more police presence
Police statement that most they can do at this time is put on boards but we will continue to work with Zeke Cohen's office. Offer to take a safety walk to the area and view the property. Recommendation to "get rid" of those vacant properties.
Ethan Hasiuk from Zeke Cohen's Office:
What is the city doing for vacants?
We've been working on getting the houses reboarded
We'd like to have a meeting with the councilman, president + vice president of the neighborhood org and move the proceeds forward. We need to make solid contact with the owners to get approval for alley gating
We are getting additional citations on the property
Legislation is in the works to increase the property tax rates on vacant buildings
PS: Need Help? Harm Reduction Sites in Baltimore
Invitation to Family Game Night Starting August 1, 2024